Uscom attends the 3rd International Congress on Maternal Hemodynamics (ICHM) in Cambridge

Uscom attended the 3rd International Congress on Maternal Hemodynamics (ICHM) last month which was held in Cambridge, UK.

The ICMH brings together an international association of researchers with a special interest in physiological and pathophysiological functioning of the pregnant woman’s cardiovascular system and its relation to maternal and fetal outcome.

This year’s agenda covered; cardiovascular physiology, arterial function, cardiac function, microcirculation, preeclampsia and IUGR, the placenta, cardiovascular risk, hypertensive diseases of pregnancy, periconceptional cardiovascular health and pregnancy, and non-invasive methods of investigation.

Uscom also participated in the Pre-Congress Workshop: Techniques and Measurement in Maternal Cardiovascular Assessment. 

Professor Asma Khalil presented arterial analysis and cardiac output measurement with the USCOM 1A and BP+ while Uscom provided a demonstration of the devices to the delegates.

Many research projects using Uscom technologies are ongoing with presentation from University of Adelaide (Australia), University of Rome (Italy), Statens Serum Institute (Denmark), St George’s University of London (UK), University on Mons (Belgium).

There were excellent presentations on management of gestational hypertension disease and IUGR during disease and postpartum, and non-invasive technologies and their clinical applications. 

Uscom screening of maternal hemodynamics and early detection of preeclampsia allows early identification and improved management and outcomes by:

  • identifying patients at risk of developing preeclampsia, earlier - from as early as 5 weeks!
  • identifying the appropriate antihypertensive therapy - through monitoring SVR and CO
  • monitoring the effectiveness of personalised antihypertensive therapy - by trending changes over the weeks and months of the pregnancy

uscom pregnant

The USCOM 1A improves and simplifies hemodynamic monitoring during pregnancy. It has the benefits of being non-invasive, accurate, portable, easy to learn and use.