Uscom Signs SpiroSonic Deal with Koneksa Health

New York based Koneksa Health has placed an initial order for Uscom SpiroSonic Mobile devices. The Devices are being manufactured at Uscom Kft in Budapest, and delivery of the first order, estimated to immediately generate revenue in the order of $140K AUD, has commenced. The non-exclusive agreement with Koneksa is for two years with on-going renewal options, and another step toward Uscom becoming a platform technology for the global eHealth market.

Koneksa is a private company that enalbes the biopharmaceutical industry to develop new medicine using digital biomarkers and novel clinical endpoints. Koneksa uses multi-parametric physiologic devices and sensors to collect data from patients participating in clinical research studies. This remote data collection enables high volume analytics of a variety of clinical end points, including cardiovascular, respiratory, activity and sleep. In this case, the Uscom SpiroSonic MOBILE digital spirometer is used specifically for the collection of lung function data in asthma and COPD patients. Koneksa’s flexible software platform improves the collection and representation of physiologic signals to evaluate the efficacy of novel therapeutics in clinical research studies.

Executive Chairman of Uscom, Associate Professor Rob Phillips said, “Uscom SpiroSonic are simply the best digital spirometers, and their application in pulmonary eHealth is intuitive due to their ultrasonic accuracy, simple disinfection, no consumables, and no daily calibration for temperature, pressure and humidity. eHealth is the way of the future, and Koneksa is creating an outstanding interactive software platform that will improve access to cost-effective eHealth delivery over the coming years. The eHealth proposition is founded on quality front end digital sensors to establish effectiveness, and Uscom SpiroSonic devices are ideal for an asthma and COPD data collection strategy; better devices produce better outcomes. Uscom SpiroSonic devices are lead technologies in at least five current international eHealth studies, being applied to the home assessment of asthma, COPD, occupational lung disease, vascular disease, lung transplantation, heart failure and hypertension.”

In 2015 COPD affected 174 millio people worldwide, and asthma affected 358 million. Spirometry is the fundamental tool used to define and stage COPD, asthma and occupational lung disease.

The global committee of the global burden of disease state state that “... much of the global chronic respiratory disease burden is either preventable or treatable with affordable interventions.”

Soriano JB, Abajobir AA, Abate KH, et al. for the GBD 2015 Chronic Respiratory Disease Collaborators. Global, and national deaths, prevalence, disability-adjusted life years, and years lived with disability for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma, 1990-2015: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2015. The Lancet Respiratory Disease, 2017;5(9):691-706. DOI